Cryptoknowmics 2022-09-20 11:26:27

Binance Labs Leads Seed Funding Round For Salus Security

The incubator and investment division of Binance Labs, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world said that it had invested an undisclosed sum in blockchain security firm Salus Security. This company offers automated smart contract vulnerability identification and blockchain smart contract audits. We're excited to welcome @salus_sec to the family! #Binance Labs is committed to supporting innovative security projects to provide more guardrails for the Web3 sector. — Binance Labs Fund (@BinanceLabs) September 19, 2022 Binance Labs Leads Seed Round Binance Labs stated Monday that it led the seed investment round for Salus Security without specifying the amount raised. Yi He, the co-founder of Binance and head of Binance Labs, said in the statement said, “At Binance, security has always been a priority, and we’re on the continued lookout for service projects that offer innovative security solutions to resolve pain points currently facing the blockchain ecosystem,” Salus Security to Further Advance the Quality of Web3 Security Salus Security’s machine learning technology enables it to verify the business logic of smart contracts with the least amount of friction and work. To simplify and improve the effectiveness of blockchain security, it can also automatically perform a complete analysis of the smart contracts’ source code and data repository. Yi He has ambitious goals for the venture capital divisio...

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